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Wild Bird Food Seed

Wild Bird Food Seed Guide

Whether you’re a regular bird watcher or you’re looking for ways to lure beautiful birds to your backyard, using our wild bird mix feed products is a great way to encourage your feathered friends to flock to your home. Before you start adding a wild bird food seed to your yard or feeder, it’s important to know the facts about these products. Here are some important things you need to know about wild bird mix feed and which types of seeds are best for specific bird species.



  • Sunflower seeds: One of the most popular ingredients in many wild bird food seed mixes, sunflower seeds are a favorite among a variety of bird species. It’s important to note that these seeds will also be attractive to squirrels, so choose a quality squirrel-proof feeder if you want to keep them at bay.

  • Safflower seeds: Cardinals, doves, chickadees, and sparrows are just some birds that are attracted to safflower seeds. These seeds have a thick shell which can make it difficult for some birds to open. However, these seeds are very popular among a wide range of native birds in most regions.

  • Shelled and cracked corn: Many birds including grouse, quails, cardinals, crows, doves, jays, and cranes enjoy eating corn. This is also a popular choice for pheasants and house sparrows. Cracked corn can also attract animals like deer and bears, so make sure you’re aware of how much you put out at any given time. Purchase your wild bird food seed from us to ensure that the corn you use is produced and harvested in a safe way that won’t harm wildlife.

  • Peanuts: Jays, woodpeckers, crows, chickadees, and many other birds eat peanuts, but they’re also a favorite of squirrels and raccoons. You can set some peanuts outside in a dish or on a platform feeder, then watch as a variety of different birds come to the feast. Make sure you change your seeds frequently and clean all bird feeders regularly to prevent mold and disease.

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